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[Disability Workbook for Social Security Applicants]
Disability Workbook for Social Security Applicants
(6th edition, Rev. March 2005)

by Douglas M. Smith, Attorney at Law
ISBN 1-878140-12-4


Review: "More than two-thirds of claims for Social Security disability are denied in the initial decision. 

In this updated Disability Workbook for Social Security Applicants, experienced disability lawyer Douglas Smith guides applicants through the process with the goal of getting benefits promptly, without unnecessary appeals. 

The new edition discusses the "proofs" that the Social Security Administration processors look for, and it tells you how to keep your benefits through periodic disability reviews.

The workbook is written in clear language and realistically depicts the roles of applicants, their doctors and the SSA in establishing qualifications for disability benefits. It tells how to find an experienced disability lawyer and how to unravel bureaucratic tangles by getting help from your members of Congress.

Smith ... advises people who win disability benefits to stay prepared for a future disability review (typically three years from the award) by seeing their doctor regularly and keeping copies of medical records ' "Then you won't be rattled when the review letter comes." 

The CFIDS Chronicle, September/October 1998.


Order the Disability Workbook for Social Security Applicants (6th edition, Rev. March 2005), by Douglas M. Smith, $19.95 plus $4.50 shipping and handling (priority mail). ISBN 1-878140-12-4. For order form, click on title above.


Readers say . . . 

Rosemarie Bulik-Winston, Green Valley, Arizona (2002): I cannot say enough good things about attorney Douglas Smith's Disability Workbook. As a social worker with lupus, I had reached the point where I could no longer work, and thought that my social work experience would be an asset to me in my disability application. But when faced with the actual application, I became completely overwhelmed. 

Fortunately a friend put me on to Doug's book, which was invaluable. It showed me how to organize my claim, illustrated what a medical report that is acceptable to Social Security should look like, provided forms to help me put it all together. I believe it was because of Doug's suggestions that my claim was approved on my first try (up to 50% of first claims are denied, I have heard). 

My doctor also appreciated the information on how to write a good medical report. He knew I was sick and could not work but he did not know how to get that information across in a way that was acceptable to Social Security. This book is well worth the cost, is informative, empowering and gets results.

Paul W. Nolan, Attorney at Law, Baltimore, MD (2002): Anyone who is considering applying for Social Security disabiliity benefits should order this book immediately. I am attorney and have been representing Social Security claimants for over 20 years. 

The biggest problem most of my clients have is the overwhelming amount of information that you must provide to Social Security. Mr. Smith's book explains why each piece of information is needed for a successful result on your claim.

I have been using this book since its 1st Edition and I have never been disappointed. The most important part of the book is the section with six worksheets where you can assemble all the information you will need for your application. Even the most disorganized person will be able to use these invaluable worksheets. Many of my clients come to me after completing these worksheets and the initial interview goes twice as fast.

For successful applicants, the appendices on Continuing Disability Reviews and the Ticket to Work Act are completely up to date and provide excellent guidance.

In short, I give this book the highest rating for both its plain language approach and its superb contents. More self-help books should be this easy to use and useful.

David Morton, M.D., Little Rock, AR (2002): Disability Workbook provides useful basic information about Social Security disability. 

. . . its greatest strength lies in the way it can help the reader organize their medical and other disability information. For example, there are blank forms that can be completed by the reader regarding what kind of medical problems they have (impairments), the doctors they have seen, the hospitals they have been in, the medications and therapy received, their daily activities, and their work histories. 

By getting organized ahead of time with this kind of information, those filing for disability can save themselves a lot of time and trouble. This book is a good companion purchase with Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability.

Major health groups recommend Disability Workbook including: 

American Lung Association
Chronic Fatigue Immune Disorder Syndrome Association
Fibromyalgia Assn. Greater Washington
Interstitial Cystitis Association
Lupus Foundation of America
National Stroke Association
Parkinson's Disease Foundation
& others ...

You may  use the Order Form to place your order!

[Physicians' Disability Services, Inc.]
Pds-Third Floor Publishing, LLC
Douglas M. Smith, Editor

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Last Revised Sunday, May 8, 2005, 11:39 AM EST

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